Don't Wait to Get Your Tickets!
Don't wait to get your tickets! We were able to reduce the ticket price but can't keep it that low forever. The Iroquois Club needs a head count and a payment in order for us to have this shindig. So call, text, email, facebook, g-chat with your friends and tell them to buy their tickets today so they don't miss out on this once in a life event.
Now until Monday:
$45/classmate or $65/classmate and a guest
After Monday:
$60/classmate or $80/classmate and a guest
All the details
DATE: Friday, November 28th
TIME: 7-10pm
WHAT: Reunion will be filled with friends, food, music, cash bar, mock elections
WHY: Our 10 year only rolls around once
WHERE: Iroquois Club, 43248 N. Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
DRESS: come as you are, jeans, dresses, tux, your prom dress, who cares, just come
NEW TICKET PRICE: $45/classmate or $65/classmate and a guest
Ticket Price starting this Monday: $60/classmate or $80/classmate and a guest
REGISTRATION: http://lhsclassreunion98.blogspot.com
Hope to see everyone in a week.
If you haven't looked through our Senior year book lately you probably haven't realized all the familiar faces and names you haven't seen or heard from in a long time. Sure we may stay in touch with a close friend or two but what about the classmates, teammates, band friends, homecoming/prom dates, clubs members or art acquaintances you haven't seen or heard from in years? Now is your chance. Our 10 year reunion only rolls around once in our lives so you should come and reminice the good times, get closure on the no-so fond memories, meet people you never really knew and get reacquainted with those you haven't seen since the day we donned black and gold graduation caps and gowns.
So buy your ticket now, don't regret not going to your one and only 10 year reunion (yes, it has been a decade!) and we will see you on 11/28. Come on, you kno you want to see who got married first, who's changing the most diapers, who has moved the farthest away and all the many changes we've gone through since '98.
DATE: Friday, November 28th
TIME: 7-10pm
WHAT: Reunion will be filled with friends, food, music, cash bar, mock elections
WHY: Our 100 year only rolls around once
WHERE: Iroquois Club, 43248 N. Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
DRESS: come as you are, jeans, dresses, tux, your prom dress, who cares, just come
NEW TICKET PRICE: $45/classmate or $65/classmate and a guest
REGISTRATION: http://lhsclassreunion98.blogspot.com
Missing People: We need your help to locate the missing people. We have a lot of people on the invite list but still too many on the missing list. Please send on this invite to anyone you are still in contact with and send us their email or phone number so we can make sure as many people get the invite as possible.
Way Elementary School Class of 91' Quotes
For those of us that went to Way Elementary School, remember your 5th Grade Teachers, Reuter, Hoffman, and DeWitt? Remember your Room Mothers, Sue Berlenbach, Yvonne Golusin, Peggy Cohen, Paulette Duggins, Sharon Cambern, and Helene Lubin? Let's reminisce!
Whenever asked, most fifth graders will answer - without hesitation - that their most favorite subjects at school are gym, recess, and lunch. When questioned further, these same students will list their least favorite subjects as anything academic - especially homework! We should not believe all was gloomy at Way School, except for the few bright spots afforded by gym, recess and lunch. It is interesting to see what fifth graders remembered about their years at Way - and exactly how much fun they really had!
Amy Berlenbach - "Some of my favorite memories of Way School are Camp Wolverine and the Science Fair. Camp Wolverine was a lot of fun, especially the challenge course. I liked doing my science project for the science fair."
Atley Chock -
"Camp Wolverine: almost everything like the challenge course and tubing.
Lansing: the Capitol Building.
Strings: our concerts everywhere."
Arek Sarkissian -
"1. Going to Lansing in grade 4.
2. The classes at camp."
Megan Riley - "When I first got to Way I was excited. I did many things in my 3rd grade class when we went on fun field trips and did neat things! Then in 4th grade, I found out that we got to choose our own star classes. Back in Conant our teachers would choose them for us. In 5th grade I loved camp! It was exciting and fun! I liked all the activities we did."
Max Izbicki - "Camp Wolverine and all the people there! Looking forward to the last day of school."
Chris Pluff -
"1. Camp Wolverine.
2. I shook pop and gave it to Ara to open. When he opened it, it went all over the room."
Matt Phillips - "The most memorable thing at Way School is when I was eating lunch when I was supposed to be at Music."
Yvonne Bedia - "Camp Wolverine when someone ripped a weather board and we got a punishment. Lansing trip in 4th grade! I went there twice. One time with Blue & Gold Chorale and the other time on the fieldtrip."
Brett Decklever - "I really liked the Blue & Gold Field Day because of all the fun events, and in javelin I set a record. I liked Camp Wolverine because of all the fun classes and my friends were there."
Milan Golusin - "I really liked Camp Wolverine because it was fun. I also liked the science fair because it was neat!"
Megan Griffin - "The best times that I had at Way School were: the challenge course at Camp Wolverine; and the end of the year carnivals and field day. Also, all the good times at camp in the bunk rooms at night."
Yanna Pallicaris - "Thing I remember the most in my stay at Way School is when I went to the One Room School House. I think it was cool because we got to see what colonial time was like. I really liked it."
Ara Atesian - "Some of the best things at Way: Blue and Gold field day, Going to the circus in the 4th grade, Chris Pluff's lunch flew on the ceiling in the 3rd grade."
Adam Gordon - "My favorite thing was the Science Fair. I liked camp also."
Matt Thistle - "The best feeling in all six years at Way has been today, Friday, April 19, 1991. I have just beat all the fifth grade in the Home Run Derby with 16 homeruns!!!"
Tonya Wardena - "The most memorable things was when I said "Gee Wilacers" in art class and everybody looked at me."
Monica Hwang - "In my first year in 5th grade I went to camp for the first time! It was overnight camp where you do activities, sports, and eat. It was very cold. I froze to death. It was fun and terrific."
Nick Cohen - "In third grade I ran the mile in 8:44."
Andrea Stuecheli - "The most memorable experience at Way was when we went to camp Wolverine. I had so much fun, especially watching people kiss the moose."
Audrey Harling - "Camp Wolverine gave me feelings that I had never felt before."
Sion Hughes - "In first grade we played soccer during recess."
Todd Duggins - "I remember when...Pluff set fire to the school and I left the milk in my desk."
Krystn Shopp -
"1. I remember the play in second grade.
2. I remember in first grade we went with Mrs. Stamps for math.
3. I remember Miss Rudd."
Andrew Spohn -
"1. Playing football at recess.
2. Having Mrs. O'Connor for first and fourth grades.
3. Having very good teachers."
Colleen McHugh - "I remember in first grade when Mrs. Jalon took us all to Petland and bought us each a fish. Also in first grade I remember when I was picked to be on the "Bloomin' Kids" and I forgot one of my lines. I remember at camp when we did the Challenge course and how much fun it was. In the bears' den I got scared because I was having trouble breathing."
10 years !?!?!
10 years have come and gone and now it's time to come together and find out . . .
Where has life taken us?
What have we accomplished?
What do we hope to still accomplish?
Who has become the eternal student pursing multiple degrees?
Who lives to work and who works to live?
Who has found the love of their lives?
Who has kids?
Who has brushed shoulders with the famous?
Who looks the same?
Who has changed the most?
And of course this evening will be a great chance to remenice the 4 years we spent together in the halls of Lahser.
Save the date and spread the word especially to others on the 'Still Looking For List"!
What: Once in a life time chance to come together after 10 years and enjoy drinks and food with old classmates
When: 7 -10pm, November 28th
Where: Iroquois Club, 43248 N. Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Register: Tickets are $70 or $80 at the door. You can purchase tickets either online or send a check to Stephanie Bishopp ( email to request address)
If you have questions or are in touch with any of the missing people listed to the right contact Stephanie Bishopp (stephanie.bishopp@gmail.com).