LISTEN, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it which means YOUR 10 year reunion will be here too. We realize the origional ticket price was steep but with some creative accounting the cost has been reduced . . . a lot!

If you haven't looked through our Senior year book lately you probably haven't realized all the familiar faces and names you haven't seen or heard from in a long time. Sure we may stay in touch with a close friend or two but what about the classmates, teammates, band friends, homecoming/prom dates, clubs members or art acquaintances you haven't seen or heard from in years? Now is your chance. Our 10 year reunion only rolls around once in our lives so you should come and reminice the good times, get closure on the no-so fond memories, meet people you never really knew and get reacquainted with those you haven't seen since the day we donned black and gold graduation caps and gowns.

So buy your ticket now, don't regret not going to your one and only 10 year reunion (yes, it has been a decade!) and we will see you on 11/28. Come on, you kno you want to see who got married first, who's changing the most diapers, who has moved the farthest away and all the many changes we've gone through since '98.

DATE: Friday, November 28th
TIME: 7-10pm
WHAT: Reunion will be filled with friends, food, music, cash bar, mock elections
WHY: Our 100 year only rolls around once
WHERE: Iroquois Club, 43248 N. Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
DRESS: come as you are, jeans, dresses, tux, your prom dress, who cares, just come
NEW TICKET PRICE: $45/classmate or $65/classmate and a guest

Missing People: We need your help to locate the missing people. We have a lot of people on the invite list but still too many on the missing list. Please send on this invite to anyone you are still in contact with and send us their email or phone number so we can make sure as many people get the invite as possible.

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